Baby PillowcasesDouble Twisted Hemstitch Baby Pillowcases Baby Pillowcases with Double Twisted Hemstitches. Fitted for 12″x16″ pillow Baby Size Pillow Cases with Double Wide HemstitchHandmade HemstitchFit 12″x16″ pillow form Hemstitch Baby Pillowcases with Embroidered Polka Dots Baby Pillowcase with French Blue colored Polka Dots. Fitted for 12″x16″ pillow. Baby Pillowcases with Chocolate Brown colored Polka dots. Fitted for 12″x16″. Heirloom Victorian Hand Embroidered Pillows with 2″ Flange BorderVictorian Embroidered 12″ x 16″ Traditional Baby Pillow.Victorian Embroidered 12″ x 12″ Square Baby Pillows.Victroian Embroidered 14″x 20″ Breakfast Pillows. Victorian Hand Embroidered Baby Pillow 12″ x 16″ Victorian Hend Embroidered 18″ square Victorian Hand Embroidered. Breakfast Pillows Heirloom Southern Hearts Cluny Lace 8″ Square Rings PillowHeirloom Victorian Embroidered 6″ Square Ring Pillow. Heirloom Southern Heart Cluny Lace Ring Pillow. 8″x8″ Square Pillow. Heirloom Victorian Hand Embroidered Ring Pillow. (6’x6″ square pillow.) Elegant Classic Hemstitch Square Baby Pillows. 12″x12″ Square PillowsTriple Hemstitches with Applique Tiny Patches. Elegant Hemstitch with Embroidered Square Baby Pillows. 12″x12″ Square Pillow. Extra Elegant Triple Hemstitch Square Baby Pillow. 12″x12″ Square Pillow Hemstitch Baby Pillows. 12″x12″ SquareTriple Lines of Hemstitch Baby Square PillowsDouble Lines Hemstitch Baby Square Baby Hemstitch Pillow Sham. 12″x12″. Triple Lines of Hemstitches. Cotton. Square Baby Pillow Sham. 12×12″. With Elegant “Twised” Style Hemstitched. Cotton. Multicolor Hemstitch Baby Pillows. 12″ x 12″. baby 12″square pillow. Spicy Orange with Fushsia Rose border baby square pillow 12″x12″square. Brown with Light Blue border baby square pillow 12″x12″square. Aqua Blue with Brown border baby square pillow 12″x12″square. Green with Brown trims. Hemstitch Baby Pillowcases with Colored Borders. baby pillowcases “Apple Butter”color Trims. 13×17 baby pillowcases. Apricot color border baby pillowcases with Mint Green color border baby pillowcases brown color trims.